These four represent a really exciting moment in my sketchbook project - I started "sketching" instead of "drawing" and I feel like I hit a real high with number 39. It has just the right amount of confidence, energy, and uniqueness. XYZach is #40, the halfway point of the project.
The next four... Starting to feel a little too tight and not suiting the needs of a sketchbook. The entire point of this project was for me to explore and I've definitely stumbled upon a formula. I did attempt to do something different with chicagobrian -- there was this wonderful wild quality in his photograph that I tried to capture by drawing a little bit looser and by skewing his face but the result doesn't appear intentional or as refined as the earlier pieces. It did however provide great inspiration for the next set that I'll post...
The first two from this set were the end of my journey in Berlin. I did Larkboy85 back in Milwaukee. A good set... had a lot of fun with the moodiness of Pardonme. I've got a bunch more to share. I finished my 40th drawing today so hold on to your hat! I'm halfway done.
This is from a book-cover project I started in October and just finally decided to finish. Below are process, including the first color sketch which included a belly-band that would be templated for use on other classic book titles. I decided that it would be more fun to incorporate the text into the illustration instead, plus pushed the color palette more towards the fantasy realm.